Heart and vascular tests and diagnosis

Take the first step toward better cardiovascular health with tests to learn more about your heart and blood vessels. At Montage Health’s Tyler Heart Institute, you’ll benefit from the latest imaging and diagnostic technology that gives your doctors clear, accurate information.

Cardiovascular exams

If you have symptoms or risk factors for a heart or vascular condition, your doctor may order one or more of these types of tests.

Imaging tests

Imaging exams show your heart or blood vessels in pictures or real time. They include:

  • Angiogram – Threads a thin tube into an artery to check for blockages that slow blood flow and cause pain
  • Calcium score scan – Shows buildup of calcium and plaque (fat) in your heart arteries during a short computed tomography (CT) exam
  • Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) – Uses magnets and radio waves to create detailed pictures of your heart
  • Echocardiogram – Bounces gentle sound waves against your heart to make images of it

Heart rhythm tests

Learn more about your heartbeat and find out if you have an arrhythmia (unusual heart rhythm) with:

  • Electrocardiogram (EKG or ECG) – Places painless electrodes on your skin to record the heart’s electrical activity for a few minutes
  • Electrophysiology (EP) study – Threads a thin tube into an artery and up to your heart to get detailed information about its electrical signals
  • Monitoring – Includes devices worn over or under the skin near your heart for anywhere from a day to three years to record heart rhythm over time

Cardiac stress tests

Stress tests check for problems that happen when your heart has to work harder. For these exams, you’ll either walk on a treadmill or receive medicine to make your heart beat faster. Your care team will record the heart’s electrical signals or take imaging scans while it’s under stress.

Vascular tests

Vascular tests look for problems in arteries or veins throughout your body. These exams can show if you need treatment for blocked blood flow, especially in the legs, which may develop peripheral vascular disease (PVD).

How to make an appointment

You’ll need a referral from your doctor or a cardiologist to get care at Tyler Heart Institute. Talk to your primary care provider, search for a cardiologist, or contact us at (831) 625-4934.

Getting test results

If you have an online MyChart account, you’ll likely see your test results in the patient portal within 24 hours. Your doctor will call to explain them and discuss next steps. Wait until you talk to your doctor before trying to understand what they mean.

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