Cardiovascular rehabilitation programs

If a heart or vascular condition limits your quality of life, you may benefit from a specially designed rehabilitation program from Tyler Heart Institute. Take steps to boost your fitness and overall well-being through supervised exercise and well-rounded education.

In a safe and supportive environment, you’ll enjoy high-quality, personalized attention from experienced professionals. Our cardiovascular rehabilitation programs are overseen by experts from the Tyler Heart Institute at Community Hospital of the Monterey Peninsula.

Types of programs we offer

Though your program will last eight weeks, the benefits can have a lasting impact on your life. Your rehabilitation plan will start with a one-on-one assessment so the classes and exercises you participate in are tailored to your needs.

Based on your condition and symptoms, your doctor may recommend:

  • Cardiac rehabilitation – Focuses on helping you recover after a heart attack or other cardiac injury, rebuild strength after heart surgery or another type of procedure, or manage symptoms of a chronic (long-term) heart condition
  • Peripheral artery disease (PAD) rehabilitation – Addresses symptoms of PAD like leg pain and trouble walking, so you can move more easily
  • Pulmonary rehabilitation – Helps you manage respiratory (breathing) symptoms like shortness of breath if you have asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), or another lung condition

Well-equipped rehabilitation facility

Your exercise and education sessions will take place at our Cardiopulmonary Wellness office in Marina, which offers a dynamic, welcoming setting. You’ll have access to everything you need to reach your goals, from the best available exercise equipment to knowledgeable instructors and healthcare providers.

Request a referral

You’ll need a referral from your doctor to participate in our Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation program. If you need help or have questions about our programs, call (831) 883-5660, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

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